Saturday, January 21, 2012

"..because I'm not ready to say goodbye..."

I think one of the worst pains one can experience is missing someone that they never really knew.

Colin Timothy O'Brien, 1988-1896.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Honestly, this post is pointless. I should be sleeping..

My hands are shaking. I feel like I'm going to be sick. I'm tired as hell.
And I can't fall asleep. I won't let myself.
Why, you ask? I have no fucking idea... And it sucks.

Just too much to think about to sleep, I guess.
Yet I can't concentrate on one thing long enough to allow myself to stop worrying about it.
Quite the conundrum, huh?

I would really like to start writing poetry again.
Maybe that's what my next post will be... Probably not though.
Cause I'm a lazy SOB. Ha...

I guess I should probably start at least trying to count sheep.
Maybe I'll get a few hours of sleep before my alarm goes off...
I just hope I don't throw up.

"Just promise you won't forget me. And I'll leave you with this lullaby."
-Lullaby, Chase Coy